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糖尿病神经病变:2017 年美国糖尿病协会立场声明(精华)

发布时间:2017-03-04 09:39 类别:神经系统疾病 标签: 来源:丁香园

● Optimize glucose control as early as possible to prevent or delay the development of distal symmetric polyneuropathy and cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in people with type 1 diabetes. A

尽早优化血糖控制以预防或延缓 1 型糖尿病患者的远端对称性多神经病变和心血管自主神经病变的发展。A

● Optimize glucose control to prevent or slow the progression of distal symmetric polyneuropathy in people with type 2 diabetes. B

优化血糖控制,以预防或延缓 2 型糖尿病患者远端对称性多神经病变的进展。B

● Consider a multifactorial approach targeting glycemia among other risk factors to prevent cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in people with type 2 diabetes. C

考虑包括控制血糖等多种危险因素的多种方法,以预防 2 型糖尿病患者的心血管自主神经病变。 C

● All patients should be assessed for distal symmetric polyneuropathy starting at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and 5 years after the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes and at least annually thereafter. B

所有患者应该在诊断 2 型糖尿病时和诊断 1 型糖尿病 5 年后评估远端对称性多神经病变,以后至少每年筛查 1 次。B

● Consider screening patients with prediabetes who have symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. B


● Assessment should include a careful history and either temperature or pinprick sensation (small-fiber function) and vibration sensation using a 128-Hz tuning fork (large-fiber function). All patients should have an annual 10-g monofilament testing to assess for feet at risk for ulceration and amputation. B

评估应包括仔细询问历史、温度觉或针刺觉(小纤维功能)和使用 128-Hz 音叉评估振动觉(大纤维功能)。 所有患者应每年进行 10 克单丝测试评估足溃疡和截肢的风险。B

● Electrophysiological testing or referral to a neurologist is rarely needed for screening, except in situations where the clinical features are atypical, the diagnosis is unclear, or a different etiology is suspected. Atypical features include motor greater than sensory neuropathy, rapid onset, or asymmetrical presentation. B

很少需要电生理检查或转诊到神经病学医师筛查,除非在临床特征不典型、诊断不清或怀疑其他病因时。非典型特征包括运动神经病变比感觉神经病变更严重、快速发作或表现不对称。 B

●Tight glucose control targeting near-normal glycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes dramatically reduces the incidence of distal symmetric polyneuropathy and is recommended for distal symmetric polyneuropathy prevention in type 1 diabetes. A

1 型糖尿病患者严格控制血糖接近正常可显著降低远端对称性多神经病变的发生率,并且建议用于 1 型糖尿病中的远端对称性多神经病的预防。A

● In patients with type 2 diabetes with more advanced disease and multiple risk factors and comorbidities, intensive glucose control alone is modestly effective in preventing distal symmetric polyneuropathy and patient-centered goals should be targeted. B

在患有晚期疾病和多种危险因素及合并症的 2 型糖尿病患者中,仅仅强化血糖控制在防止远端对称性多神经病方面效果有限,应该制定以患者为中心的目标。B

●Lifestyle interventions are recommended for distal symmetric polyneuropathy prevention in patients with prediabetes/metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. B

建议糖尿病前期/代谢综合征和 2 型糖尿病患者进行生活方式干预预防远端对称性多神经病变。B

● Consider either pregabalin or duloxetine as the initial approach in the symptomatic treatment for neuropathic pain in diabetes. A


● Gabapentin may also be used as an effective initial approach, taking into account patients』 socioeconomic status, comorbidities, and potential drug interactions. B


● Although not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, tricyclic antidepressants are also effective for neuropathic pain in diabetes but should be used with caution given the higher risk of serious side effects. B


● Given the high risks of addiction and other complications, the use of opioids, including tapentadol or tramadol, is not recommended as first- or second-line agents for treating the pain associated with DSPN. E


● Tests assessing gait and balance may be considered in people with distal symmetric polyneuropathy to evaluate the risk of falls. E


● Consider treatment with duloxetine, pregabalin, and gabapentin to improve quality of life in patients with neuropathic pain. C


● Assess the effects of distal symmetric polyneuropathy on quality of life to improve adherence and response to neuropathic pain treatment. E


● Symptoms and signs of autonomic neuropathy should be assessed in patients with microvascular and neuropathic complications. E


● In the presence of symptoms or signs of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy, tests excluding other comorbidities or drug effects/ interactions that could mimic ?ardiovascular autonomic neuropathy should be performed. E


● Consider assessing symptoms and signs of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in patients with hypoglycemia unawareness. C


● Optimize glucose control as early as possible to prevent or delay the development of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in people with type 1 diabetes. A

尽早优化血糖控制以预防或延缓 1 型糖尿病患者的心血管自主神经病变的发展。A

● Consider a multifactorial approach targeting glycemia among other risk factors to prevent cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in people with type 2 diabetes. C

考虑针对等多种高血糖等多种危险因素的治疗方法,以预防 2 型糖尿病患者的心血管自主神经病变。C

● Consider lifestyle modifications to improve cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in patients with prediabetes. C


● Evaluate for gastroparesis in people with diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy, and/or nephropathy by assessing for symptoms of unexpected glycemic variability, early satiety, bloating, nausea, and vomiting. C


● Exclusion of other causes documented to alter gastric emptying, such as use of opioids or glucagonlike peptide 1 receptor agonists and organic gastric outlet obstruction, is needed before performing specialized testing for gastroparesis. C

在进行专门的胃轻瘫测试之前,需要排除其他改变胃排空的原因,例如使用阿片类药物或胰高血糖素样肽 1 受体激动剂和器质性胃出口阻塞。C

● To test for gastroparesis, either measure gastric emptying with scintigraphy of digestible solids at 15-min intervals for 4 h after food intake or use a 13C-octanoic acid breath test. B

为检查胃轻瘫,在食物摄入后以 15 分钟间隔连续 4 小时用可消化的固体闪烁扫描法进行胃排空试验或使用 13C-辛酸呼气试验。B

● Consider short-term metoclopramide in the treatment of diabetic gastroparesis. E


● Consider screening men with other forms of diabetic neuropathy annually for erectile dysfunction with simple questions about a patient’s libido and ability to reach and maintain an erection. C


● Consider screening patients with other forms of diabetic neuropathy for lower urinary tract symptoms and female sexual dysfunction in the presence of recurrent urinary tract infections using targeted questioning regarding symptoms, such as nocturia, pain during intercourse, and others. E


(注:原文共 19 页,内容较多,本文仅翻译了其执行纲要部分,如要了解更多内容,请阅读原文)