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Robert Ligthelm教授:国际指南与强化治疗的选择

发布时间:2014-05-18 10:00 类别:内分泌疾病 标签:每日 强化 胰岛素 治疗 来源:丁香园

Intensification options and guidelines

Dr. Robert Ligthelm
Medical Director, EHM-Hoofddorp
Rotterdam, The Netherlands


目前,关于预混胰岛素强化治疗方案和剂量的相关推荐有限,近期发表于《国际临床实践杂志》(Int J Clin Pract)的共识提供了较简单的门冬胰岛素30强化治疗方案,包括从每日1次或2次门冬胰岛素30治疗转至每日2次或3次门冬胰岛素30治疗,即从初始到强化均为门冬胰岛素30的简单转换,以及从每日1次或2次基础胰岛素治疗转至每日2次门冬胰岛素30治疗,具有较好的临床参考价值。


After successfully initiating and optimising insulin, modification of treatment by adding or changing therapy to achieve glycaemic targets is often required. However, this must be carefully moderated by patient’s willingness and the risk associated with hypoglycaemia.

Basal and premix insulins are commonly prescribed as first-line therapies for patients failing to maintain glycaemic control on oral therapy. However, when control with these insulins begins to fail, a premix analogue such as NovoMix® 30 is a simple and effective tool for intensification as being the only premix analogue which has been approved to be injected up to three-times daily. Currently, international recommendations for intensification of insulin therapy using premix analogues are limited and specific guidance on dosing is not available for many circumstances. As such, Dr Ligthelm will review the recently published consensus statement in the International Journal of Clinical Practice (2009) which provides simplified algorithms for intensifying insulin therapy with NovoMix® 30.  

Robert Ligthelm教授:指南与强化治疗的选择



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