发布时间:2017-05-08 08:30 类别:医学前沿资讯 标签:脊髓 干细胞 来源:未知
近日,来自卡塔尔、美国、埃及等多个国家的研究人员通过研究发现,在注射神经干细胞的数个月后,大鼠损伤的脊髓结构就会表现出组织再生的迹象;来自卡塔尔大学生物医学研究中心的研究者Hany Marei表示,据估计,全球大约有250万人会因多种类型事故和跌落而患上脊髓损伤,我们还需要进行更多研究来调查干细胞在治疗包括脊髓损伤等多种类型神经疾病上的潜力。
近日,来自卡塔尔、美国、埃及等多个国家的研究人员通过研究发现,在注射神经干细胞的数个月后,大鼠损伤的脊髓结构就会表现出组织再生的迹象;来自卡塔尔大学生物医学研究中心的研究者Hany Marei表示,据估计,全球大约有250万人会因多种类型事故和跌落而患上脊髓损伤,我们还需要进行更多研究来调查干细胞在治疗包括脊髓损伤等多种类型神经疾病上的潜力。
Neural stem cell therapies could eventually play a role in treating spinal cord injuries
Researchers in Qatar and Egypt, working with colleagues in Italy and the US, have found that injured spinal cords in rats show signs of tissue regeneration several weeks following injection with neural stem cells.
An estimated 2.5 million people worldwide live with spinal cord injury caused by various types of accidents and falls. Much research is going into investigating the potential of stem cells in treating this and other neurological conditions, says Dr Hany Marei of Qatar University Biomedical Research Center.
The team isolated neural stem cells, which specifically differentiate into nerve tissue, from a structure in the front of the brain called the olfactory bulb. The olfactory bulbs were removed from human patients undergoing operations to extract brain tumours.
The team first genetically engineered the neural stem cells to carry a protein that causes them to fluoresce under the microscope. The researchers cultured the cells and demonstrated that they differentiated into a variety of nervous system cells.